Tangent playing in Seoul, Korea on the 16th

Tangent is playing with a bunch of mostly Korean artists at Relay 03 on Friday the 16th of September, in Seoul, Korea. It's at the iry cafe in the Hongik University area. There is a map showing the location of iry cafe on their website, but I had trouble getting there last time I went so email me if you want better directions.
it should be a pretty interesting gig; the format is quite unusual. several groups will play, and none of the performers know they will play with until the night. most of the performers are laptoppers, but some use other noise makers. Tangent will play using laptop and various accoustic noise makers.
Tangent should also be playing in Kobe, Japan in mid-November. More news to come. Also the second slab of sound podcast has been released, featuring Jeff Henderson, Evan Parker's Electro-Accoustic Ensemble, and the Peter Brotzmann Octet.